Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour. Using a vape is known as vaping. Vapes are also available without nicotine.
Also called:
- e-cigarettes
- e-cigs
- e-hookah
- e-liquids
- puff bars
- vape pens
- vape pods
- vape sticks
Quick info
How the drug works varies from person to person
How you might feel
Dizzy, headache, nauseous or mildly stimulated, relaxed.
Effects on your body
Increased blood pressure and heart rate, faster breathing.
How long it takes to work
Effects peak 5 - 10 minutes after your first puff.
How long the effects last
The effects last two to three hours after your last puff.
Common risks
Nicotine makes the heart beat much faster. This can make you feel nauseous/sick the first time you use it. Nicotine is addictive and can be hard to stop using once you’ve started. Vaping is a lot less harmful than smoking but it doesn’t mean it’s harmless.
Mixing drugs
Mixing drugs is always risky but some mixtures are more dangerous than others.
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