Nitrous oxide
NOS is a colourless gas sold in canisters, usually inhaled using a balloon.
Also called:
- Balloons
- Chargers
- Hippie Crack
- Laughing Gas
- Nos
- Noz
- Whippits
Quick info
How the drug works varies from person to person
How you might feel
Relaxed, giggly, sound distortions and/or dizzy, anxious, paranoid.
Effects on your body
Can give you a headache and/or stop you thinking straight.
Common risks
It’s more dangerous inhaling directly from the canister. It can be hard to judge how many balloons to use. Too much nitrous oxide can make you faint, lose consciousness, or suffocate.
Mixing drugs
Mixing drugs is always risky but some mixtures are more dangerous than others.
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